Hillside Center

Project Detail

Our standard quality construction

This wide ranging project was done for the Development company- Rice Corporation, LLC. located right on the line of Nolensville /Brentwood,Tennessee. Hillside Center came with many challenges, there are usually great rewards with enough persistence.
This is the first building of three structures planned for the hillside center shopping development. The first order of business was to create a Master Sign plan, this is for documenting where and what signage would be placed on the property so as to ensure it meets municipality codes and regulations. This includes but is not limited to entry monument sign with tenets, main street signs, handicap signs,fire exit signs, delivery location signs, Americans with disability act braille signage, individual tenant entry sign at each entrance location and so on……So I created the documents necessary to present at the monthly Town council meeting Nolensville, TN.


Client : Tyler Inc.

Location : California City FL 23059

Area : 1.690 m2

Finished On : September 17, 2014

Remarks : The project was completed under the budget, with the savings returned to the owner.


I also worked with Malakouti architects developing the stone pattern that is on the columns of I Hillside center, that must’ve gone pretty good because they asked me to do the aluminum façade on the rest of the buildings roofline. This job just ended up exploding into multiple other projects such as building a wooden pergola with steel supports along with working on several tenant signs.

the challenges

The town council were a little unsure when I presented the monument structure with large rocks and glass. It did not take much convincing to assure them that it would be of the highest quality, adding an interesting architectural touch to their main strip of town. Whewww I get really involved in these things and I was definitely scared going into that meeting that they were going to make me build a traditional entry monument. There were so many amazingly large rocks excavated from this site, I couldn’t imagine hauling them off and then building a Stone structure. I was very pleased that the projects lead architect Of Malakouti architects agreed with me.

project goals

This is why I am in the business folks, using my natural abilities to be creative and knowledge of materials and City code guidelines to help people create a special place and unique necessary items.